Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of Amplirage, which houses his mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. (:
Dogs are not allowed here.
Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 8:49 PM

Ps nvr post ytd.
Was playing comp at night haha.
Then i saw the dumb no life yaning impersonator.
He/she can just fuck off la. -.-
Fucking irritating dog leh.
Zz spoil my mood for today.
Later still got competition.
Played comp today in the morning.
Heh me= no life kia.
Then aft tht later going nhp then go for b div competition.
Wish me luck! (:

Reply of tags. :D

7 Aug 09, 21:21
huiling: you joke! hello there.
call ppl joke...LOL anyw hi! Tag my blog leh :D

7 Aug 09, 21:23
huiling: i like sivam's name. ciao to PJY & friends(: *ahemcoughlaughOUTloud to yaning
lol yeah cont tagging :D

7 Aug 09, 21:58
JYY: ya sivam sounds.. nehcuy ?!?!?!
LOL gniyeij? sounds....idk what (:

7 Aug 09, 22:32
yaning: xiao blur ._. omg. but vry nan ting eh.
ya i hate that name ):

8 Aug 09, 12:20
Ceci: "In the cinema some girls were like wth disgracing us." ~.~ Can't control lah! LOL.
LOL learn to control :D

8 Aug 09, 16:51
jiaqi: HAHAHA. ceci laugh everyone laugh ^^
ya lo. actl quite fun to make her laugh. cos her laughter damn funny (:

8 Aug 09, 19:06
SIVAM: LOLL MY NAME HAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHHAHHAHA! Anyway, Zhao i know you feel very proud of having me and ceci in the movie theatre! I BET YOU WERE LAUGHING LIKE SOME GAY TOO!
WTH la. laughing like a gay? no no no :D

9 Aug 09, 10:08
JYY: why all are girls tag your blog de uh? only two guys are haoxiang and junyong. or is sivam included too? HAHAHAHAH.
lol ur blog also all girls tag.

9 Aug 09, 10:57
JYY: i will stop tagging! byeeeee.
lol u will always tag at my blog de la. :D

10 Aug 09, 10:05
JYY: **** did i really scare people away? T_T
maybe u did :O

10 Aug 09, 21:57
lynn: relink yup .:)
relinked :D

11 Aug 09, 20:18
yileee.: hi im here to tag HOHO. hlp keep yr blog alive. haha!
thnx :D

11 Aug 09, 20:19
yileee.: wow, zai. finished geog and HIST early? means you did SBQ and SEQ v quickly?
ya i tot is monday pass up LOL

11 Aug 09, 20:24
yileee.: caffine stays in th body for 6 hrs. nxt time if wnt drink kopi dont drink less thn 6 hrs away frm slp ;D
LOL thnx for the tip! :D

12 Aug 09, 19:24
shiqi: AHHH. zhao, you dont anyhow lo. you step on my shoe still dare give me nickname.
sry shishi ^^ haha ur shoe fun to step ma :D

12 Aug 09, 19:39
JYY: zzz he keep stepping on people's shoes ._.
u also step on mine ):

13 Aug 09, 18:53
MAVIS!: zhaooooooooooooooooooo. hi.
HI! :D

13 Aug 09, 20:04
Jun Yong: lol

13 Aug 09, 20:16
JYY: *waves to junyong*
not directed to me

13 Aug 09, 20:29
JUn Yong: waves to JYY "hi"
nt directed to me

13 Aug 09, 21:33
not directed to me

13 Aug 09, 21:40
yaning: i can feel de electricity btw JYY and jy?! i actually meant jun yong and pjy. HAHA.
ya lo. Electricity

13 Aug 09, 22:10

13 Aug 09, 22:10
JYY: anyway, *waves bye to junyong*
LOL he nvr reply. :D

13 Aug 09, 22:20
yaning: AND WHO? I AM OBVIOUSLY TALKING TO YOU ;D *grins* haha. wahh stll nid say bye arh? bet you super sad now coz he nv reply heh
LOL ya she super sad now :D

13 Aug 09, 22:27
JYY: LOL. you keep coming here for what? i come to see junyong got reply anot LOL.
not directed to me

14 Aug 09, 19:06
yaning: if i have amnesia, i still will not forget you
14 Aug 09, 19:06
yaning: i like zhao
fucking dog.

14 Aug 09, 20:26
REAL YANING: omg who is that larh\: wtf?!
thts just some dog

14 Aug 09, 21:10
MAVIS!: wha lao whoever impersonated yaning, get the facts right. We tease her is because we are her friends. And our teasings have limits.
yea. but dogs dont listen.

14 Aug 09, 21:11
MAVIS!: apparently your impersonation didnt really tell us your high IQ and your high EQ. And if you're yaning's friend, wow sad case. In anycase, this is so rude! YANING DON'T LIKE ZHAO OKAY.
not directed to me

14 Aug 09, 21:12
MAVIS!: if our weird teases caused any harm or whatever to YOU, the fake yaning, then sorry. Not your bullsh!tness and you don't have to come impersonating people. kthxbye.
not directed to me

14 Aug 09, 21:20
JYY: another admirer*
14 Aug 09, 21:20
JYY: didnt know zhao so you mei li! HAHA kidding lah. you just earned yourself an admirer hehe.
i dun like this type of admirers...

15 Aug 09, 11:27
Akatsuki: by teasing is already hurting ppl liao still dare call yourself her friend what a big joke
are u weixuan or his dog friend?

15 Aug 09, 11:32
yaning: who the hell are you larh. err obviously she's more than a friend. can you stop this? it's real irriating.
not directed to me

15 Aug 09, 11:35
fake yaning: sry everyone
15 Aug 09, 11:34
fake yaning: sry everyone
15 Aug 09, 11:34
fake yaning: okay lar, sry and mavis,whoever that is, if you count yourself a friend dont tease her
just fuck off so ull be forgiven

15 Aug 09, 11:36
yaning: but curious who you are. can tell? LOL okie. i don mind de teasing though
no nid so nice to dogs..

15 Aug 09, 11:48
fake yaning: okay lar sry lar i say sry right forgive me lol still must tio scolding somemore sry lar mavis,reak yaning
15 Aug 09, 11:47
yn: lame larh. HUH da xin? NO?!
15 Aug 09, 11:44
fake yaning: sry lar you think you daxin issit
15 Aug 09, 11:44
fake yaning: im weixuan
15 Aug 09, 11:39
fake yaning: guess lol

stfu and get lost! ZZ

15 Aug 09, 11:55

15 Aug 09, 11:58
yn: can just use your own name anot? LOL. okie okie,!!
he wont tag here anymore.