Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of Amplirage, which houses his mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. (:
Dogs are not allowed here.
Friday, August 7, 2009 @ 6:10 AM

Had NDP celebration today LOL.
Was kinda lame.
Started of with Ms lim asking Jasmine to lead us in the dumb lyrics game.
But some of the songs were quite nice la. (:
Haha after that went hall see band performing some national songs.
They sang quite well i tink, better than the last one. LOL
And yeah after that went back class eat some "snacks".
Ended up was just some bread and a soya bean drink that tastes wierd? -.-
And some ppl were asking for 2nd servings lol.
Then after school went with the girls to watch movie.
LOL wanted watch GI JOE at 1st but decided watch UP instead.
In the cinema some girls were like wth disgracing us.
(not gonna name LOL.)
But yeah, laughing out loud and shouting.
Haha then after movie was joking about it.
After awhile went PL mother's shop at lakeside.
Haha ate desserts there and she insisted on us not paying -.-.
Says shes gonna return us the money on tuesday LOL.
Reached home quite late at around 5.
Slacked through the day.
Realised that No boundaries is a really nice song. (:
And Adam's singing totally own.

Reply to tags here :D
(from oldest to newest)

2 Aug 09, 17:07
MAVIS!: hahahaha stop acting cute lah ! GO MY BLOG TAG
HAHA i tagged but dint read. And i never act cute -.-.

2 Aug 09, 17:07
MAVIS!: OMG SORRY DOUBLE TAG (now its triple!)
Stop acting cute. (:

2 Aug 09, 17:12
lynn: hey . (: link me !
LOL linked.

2 Aug 09, 18:53
haoxiang: nop its acting blur (:
Wah lao stop saying that. U damn random leh -.-

2 Aug 09, 18:55
JYY: link me. you know my url LOL. USE LIVEJOURNAL LAH grr. zhao act cute hehe.
I forgot. HAHA

2 Aug 09, 18:56
JYY: fine i think you wont rmbr. okay LINK.
LOl ok i linked. (:

2 Aug 09, 18:59
JYY: gosh i was actually wondering who sivam was -.- and i realised it's mavis. LOL>
LOL sivam sounds indian doesnt it?

3 Aug 09, 19:55
Jun Yong: Lol joke sia seriously
Piss off.

4 Aug 09, 09:37
JYY: wah are you heartless or what! put yay somemore.
LOL kidding nia. :D

6 Aug 09, 18:50
yaning: don act cute!
Ask u tag end up u say i act cute -.-.

6 Aug 09, 19:22
JYY: *says hi to yaning* -coughs-
(not directed to me)

6 Aug 09, 21:43
jiaqi: i now then know u got new blog. HAHA.
LOL its new what. And u gave me a fake url -.-.

6 Aug 09, 21:43
LOL ask hx la.

6 Aug 09, 22:36
pei.: whoo nice blog
Yay thnx! (:

7 Aug 09, 19:11
LOL teach u nxt time ba!

Thats the end. (: